She Who Moves: Isa Geca

She Who Moves: Isa Geca

Gracing us today in the #SheWhoMoves Series is Ms. Isa Geca. She's a homemaker home body who moves in her unique gracefulness. Crochet artist and owner of creoswim, her gentle spirit is warm and welcoming. Much loved by those around her she propels her soul by creating through crochet and chasing her dreams with creoswim, living the simple island life in Siargao. 



How do you take care of your body?


Taking care of one’s body is a personal journey. There’s no one-size-fits all approach but as someone who stays at home, I take care of my body by making sure I get enough sleep, prioritizing healthy meals, getting regular breaks to stretch and move around, staying hydrated, and disconnecting from the crowd to reconnect with myself.



How do you define embodiment?


My definition of embodiment is a constantly evolving journey of self-discovery and can I just say that this journey, especially for someone like me who navigated the turbulent waters of severe anxiety, was far from a gentle stroll. I used to live so disconnected from my body, treating it as a mere tool for my mind. But embodiment reminds me that this body is my portal to the world. It is through my senses, my thoughts, my imaginations, and my very being that I experience and interact with everything around us. It's about remembering that I am not just a mind in a body, but a symphony of both, and only when they are in harmony can my life truly sing.



How did your love for crochet start?


My neighbor, @littleshellyoga, inspired me with her crochet creations. I bought a cute bag from her that I still use to this day. I vividly recall expressing my desire to learn how to crochet to my boyfriend, and he pleasantly surprised me with a complete set of crochet tools and that’s how I started. As someone deeply passionate about fashion, colors, patterns, and art, embracing crocheting came naturally. Of course, learning it wasn’t easy, but with practice, patience (a LOT of patience), passion, love, and intention, I became familiar with the craft. Now I have so many designs and patterns in mind and can’t wait for them to come to life.



Whats your favorite thing to crochet? or what is your greatest crochet masterpiece?


Bags are everything to me so I find pure joy in creating crochet bags. Greatest crochet masterpiece? It’s difficult to single one out as the ultimate masterpiece because each tells its own story, reflects a particular mood, and captures a moment in time so I guess the question of the greatest masterpiece remains a delightful dilemma. 😉





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